Corporate slogan


“Fascinate with the wonders of the world.”
Sony’s image sensors emerged from the quest for light combined with a curiosity
about humankind, the animal kingdom, and the wonders of nature.
These imaging technologies inspire awe through beauty and color reproduction
in cameras and smartphones. Also, Sony’s sensing technologies bring peace of mind to society,
permeating industries and life while accurately evaluating information such as distance.
Now, our perceptions are expanding as we arrive at a planet-wide sensing network
that allows us to see, sense, and experience the world like never before.

Pursuing new challenges to create breakthrough solutions with partners,
we at Sony Semiconductor Solutions enhance human senses and perception worldwide.
We discover the richness of everyday living and the truths that overturn conventional thinking
to inspire, influence, and spark a sense of wonder that moves humanity
to a new level of creativity and sensitivity.

We believe the evolution of imaging and sensing technologies is rich with the power
to expand human potential and usher in an exciting new future.

Mission Value Vision

Our Mission

To spark imaginations and enrich society through the power of technology

Our Vision

To create transcendent imaging and sensing technologies
that push the boundaries of image quality and cognition
to bring inspiring, intelligent, and reassuring solutions
into both personal and professional settings

Our Values

Values we offer our customers

Enjoyment, convenience, safety, security, and efficiency

Values our employees strive toward

Unity, openness, and initiative

Our Group’s long-term vision

Contact Us

If you have questions, contact the company, or complaint, please contact [email protected]

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